My annual girls weekend getaway is coming up next week and with it the inevitable problem of, yes, you guessed it, getting in a swimsuit. I saw a movie once with Annette Bening where she said the two most terrifying words for a woman in the English language were, "pool party". There are six of us that go on the yearly trip to catch up, get some sun, and get away--they are my girls and I love them. What would life be, after all, without our BFFs. Doesn't matter if you are seven or fifty-seven, you need them. Anyway, we come in all shapes and sizes, but the other five are for sure the following: in fabulous shape, tall, gorgeous, funny, fun, loving and look great in swimwear. I am the sixth one, the oldest, and the most likely to have a panic attack in the room prior to hitting the pool (yes, that actually happened two years ago...thank god my sister in law answered the phone back in Seattle). Well, since then I have been busy making peace with my imperfections and working to look the best I can, and....finding a suit that hides and enhances. I am not 25 but I am not 105 either. I just want to make sure I know when the ship sails for the bikini-- that I have boarded. Yet, surveying the racks today in the swimwear department at Nordstrom I divided the suits into three categories: 1. Meant for a teenager, 2. You worked hard all year--buy it and flaunt it sister! and 3. Throwing in the towel--otherwise known as the "tankini". Hmmmmmm.
I think I mentioned before that swimwear departments need a counselor or a adult beverage available for purchase, or both. :) I think if they got better lighting than everyone would be happy, including the salespeople, who would sell more suits! Anyway, I definitely think finding a great salesperson is key. I forgot a suit when we were in San Diego last September and ended up getting dropped off at one of those beach town swim shops crammed with a million suits. My husband said, "How long will you be?" as he prepared to hang out in the car and I answered, "What? OMG, you can't wait. This isn't a quick errand. See ya!" Anyway, despite the fact that the person helping me was super young didn't matter...she knew every suit and its fit in the whole place and was a great help. Plus I was honest (and realistic) and ended up with a great suit.
I am looking forward to next week and my favorite ladies and having a lot of fun. I plan on having my spray tan, drink, suit and attitude all in the proper place.
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