five zero

In the midst of this I celebrated a milestone birthday. I remember my Mom telling me age was just a number, but this was kind of a scary one. Like its an age someone else is, never me. I have always hesitated to reveal my age on this blog, as if it would make my take on design and fashion less relevant, since I am probably considered by some to be well, old. But in addition to working out regularly, eating healthy for the most part, as well as a zillion appointments to maintain things so to speak--I really do try.
On the inside, I feel the same as I always have, so catching a glimpse of myself in a photo or in the mirror sometimes can be an actual surprise. As if, what the hell? But I am not the same, I have stumbled over the years, made good & bad choices, lacked confidence, hesitated.
Now I know who I am, that gift you get when you live with yourself long enough to accept that the mistakes you have made give you a bit of a pantina that make you more beautiful. Maybe being older means having more freedom to be yourself. The way I see it, you can age any way you want to, its up to you to keep changing, growing, seeing things in a new way.
And so, I am now 50. Sure, its a big deal to me. And it really isn't. I celebrated with friends, I drank champagne, I went to Paris. But that's another blog. Cheers.
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